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Falling down in every way,
Letting go of memories
They float away,
Far away

Nur Atiqah Osman
Uhibbu Allah ~ Rasulullah ~ Parents~ Family ~ Frens ~ Tchers

*wanna get excellent result esp for O'
*my own laptop
*more clothes!!


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Uhibbuhum Fillah

Hariz :))

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September 2008October 2008November 2008December 2008January 2009February 2009March 2009April 2009May 2009June 2009November 2009December 2009

Layout ▪ crossroads;
Font ▪ windsong

Thursday, December 10, 2009 | 2:41 PM

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

سلام عليكم

Alhamdulillah..All praise to Allah to allow us to breath n see dis beatiful world for another dae..

So, last tuesday me, shireen & zumro went to meet Izzuddeen.. B4 his upcoming opt which is on de 14 which is just next monday..
We(de girls) met @ AMK mrt at ard 12.45 n went straight to Masjid Al-Muttaqin for our Zohor prayers n wait for Izzdeen in front of the mosque ard 1.35..
We den went to have our lunch at KFC just beside the mosque..hee..Me n shireen take quite a long tyme thinking wat to buy as to not embarrassed ourselves in front of Izz with the way we eat.. so, we decided to avoid eating chicken as in the fried chicken itself.. so, end up we bought Bandito! :D

After eating..chit-chat.. we den went to AMK hub for some window shopping..
Oh ya, b4 dat..B4 we went to AMK hub, we gave him the book..remember?
All the wishes dat we wrote for him..
he almost burst in tears..but u noe..guys..
So, yeah..he able to maintain all de way ..

B4 we went back home.. we went to McD for ice cream!! Yummy..hee..

Well,, dats all.. :D

n so, for todae.. I'm going to popular @ suntec..will be going there wif my uncle aft maghrib..
n tomorrow nyte..Balek Kampong again..jeng3~

hmm.. i think dats all for todae..

Cant wait to go to skul nxt wk for Sir Isa's extra class.. miss him lots!!
n yeah, tcher Aini class too!

Last but not least..

Lets all pray for Muhammad Izzuddeen for his upcoming operation..
May everything go smoothly so dat he can join us study by early next yer..
Amiin..Amiin..Amiin Yaa Rabbal 'Aalamiin..


Wednesday, November 25, 2009 | 11:30 AM

Salams to all...

Fuuhhh~ dah berabok rupenye blogku..
hehe..wat to do..been super busy...

but now~FREE!!
Haiz,,tp boring lah pulak tkd apape nk buat :( bored.

n one ting for sure.. i miss skuling..for now lah.
I miss my frens n tchers.. i miss joking wif them..

ouh ya, recently went to the doctor..
suppose ramai dah tau my blood test result~

my red blood count is LOW,,dats why i've been having headache n get tired easily..
klw tk salah,, mybe psl terlalu stress, tk ckp air dll

ckp psl stress..well, dis yer mmg byk sgt ujian dan dugaan..
many things happened :'(
Only Allah knows wat i've gone thru..

plus the exam..Ya Allah..
i failed to make them proud..i'm sorry
I'm truly sorry =''(

Ya Allah.
hamba mu yg lemah ini mohon pengampunan mu ya Rabb
ku telah melakukan byk dosa
namun Kau tdk pernah menarik balek nikmat2 yg Kau beri

Lastly, i really miss dis 1 tchr of mine.. hopefully kak fathin tk lupe ape yg iqah pesan~
dats all for todae
wassalam :)